A place to study and consider images that are--or are MEANT to be--of American Indians. That is, ANIMALS or NON-INDIANS, playing Indian. Dressing up like Indians. With the occasional 'real' Indian, misrepresented.
Kym Johnson Rutledge (a student in Nebraska) wrote to me about Chief Hawah's Book of Native American Indians, illustrated by Chris Brown. It's published in the UK, and it is suggests that those involved in its creation, publication, and distribution haven't a clue about who American Indians are... Or maybe don't care? Or maybe care more about the bottom line (profit) than they do about accuracy in books for children?
Kim wrote a letter to the publisher, which you can read here.
Below is one illustration from the book:
Throughout, the illustrations capture the stereotypical imagery that portrays American Indians as barbaric, primitive, pagans.
This is one of those books that never should have made it past first base.
2014: M.Ed, Library & Info Science, San Jose State;
2001: PhD, Educ, Univ of Illinois;
1988: M.Ed, School Admin, Univ of Oklahoma;
1983, BS, Elem Educ, Univ of NM;
I am tribally enrolled at Nambe Pueblo in northern New Mexico. I'm from the Upper Village (Yates family).